
ANN: flight-recorder - a robust REPL logging facility

Interactivity is a principal requirement for a usable programming environment. Interactivity means that there should be a shell/console/REPL or other similar text-based command environment. And a principal requirement for such an environment is keeping history. And not just keeping it, but doing it robustly:

  • recording history from concurrently running sessions
  • keeping unlimited history
  • identifying the time of the record and its context

This allows to freely experiment and reproduce the results of successful experiments, as well as go back to an arbitrary point in time and take another direction of your work, as well as keeping DRY while performing common repetitive tasks in the REPL (e.g. initialization of an environment or context).

flight-recorder or frlog (when you need a distinct name) is a small tool that intends to support all these requirements. It grew out of a frustration with how history is kept in SLIME, so it was primarily built to support this environment, but it can be easily utilized for other shells that don't have good enough history facility. It is possible due to its reliance on the most common and accessible data-interchange facility: text-based HTTP.

frlog is a backend service that supports any client that is able to send an HTTP request.

The backend is a Common Lisp script that can be run in the following manner (probably, the best way to do it is inside screen):

sbcl --noprint --load hunch.lisp -- -port 7654 -script flight-recorder.lisp

If will print a bunch of messages that should end with the following line (modulo timestamp):

[2018-09-29 16:00:53 [INFO]] Started hunch acceptor at port: 7654.

The service appends each incoming request to the text file in markdown format: ~/.frlog.md.

The API is just a single endpoint - /frlog that accepts GET and POST requests. The parameters are:

  • text is the content (url-encoded, for sure) of the record that can, alternatively, be sent in the POST request's body (more robust)

Optional query parameters are:

  • title - used to specify that this is a new record: for console-based interactions, usually, there's a command and zero or more results - a command starts the record (and thus should be accompanied with the title: for SLIME interactions it's the current Lisp package and a serial number). An entitled record is added in the following manner:
    ### cl-user (10) 2018-09-29_15:49:17
        (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname )
    If there's no title, the text is added like this:
    ;;; 2018-09-29_15:49:29
        #<program-error @ #x100074bfd72>
  • tag - if provided it signals that the record should be made not to a standard .frlog.md file, but to .frlog-<tag>.md. This allows to easily log a specific group of interactions separately If the response code is 200 everything's fine.

Currently, 2 clients are available:

  • a SLIME client flight-recorder.el that monkey-patches a couple of basic SLIME functions (just load it from Emacs if you have SLIME initialized)
  • and a tiny Lisp client frlog.lisp

P.S. To sum up, more and more I've grown to appreciate simple (sometimes even primitive - the primitive the better :) tools. flight-recorder seems to me to be just like that: it was very easy to hack together, but it solves an important problem for me and, I guess, for many. And it's the modern "Unix way": small independent daemons, text-based formats and HTTP instead of pipes...

P.P.S. frlog uses another tiny tool of mine - hunch that I've already utilized in a number of projects but haven't described yet - it's a topic for another post. In short, it is a script to streamline running hunchentoot that does all the basic setup and reduces the developer's work to just defining the HTTP endpoints.

P.P.P.S. I know, the name is, probably, taken and it's a rather obvious one. But I think it just doesn't matter in this case... :)

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